June 29, 2023.
Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles.

Readings: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9; 2 Tm4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19.

“You are Peter, and upon this rock, I will build my Church…” Mt 16:18

An English proverb says: “No good building without a good foundation.” And a Latin proverb adds: “A weak foundation destroys the work.”

Today we celebrate the solemnity of two great Apostles, Peter and Paul. This feast is also known and celebrated as Pope's Day. For, Peter is looked at and venerated in the Catholic Church as the “First Pope”, the Vicar of Christ, and so, the successive Popes as successors of Peter, and Vicars of Christ on earth. Peter, the martyrology says, was chosen by the Lord to be the leader of the Church and given the task to preach the Gospel, especially among the Jewish communities. Paul became the chosen instrument of God to bring the Good News to the whole world. In the process of conversion, both Apostles, Peter, and Paul, experienced the gratuitous compassion and forgiveness of the Lord. They are our ancestors in the faith, the ones who have handed over to us the message of life.

In our Credo, we profess: "I believe in One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church." Through this profession of faith, we speak of the Apostolic origin of the Church. And who says Apostolicity speaks also of something that originated from Christ himself.

Some critics of the Catholic Church say right when they hold that Jesus did not founded a Church. And that is true. For, Jesus Christ, in the course of his mission, just called to him some Apostles and followers. In other words, Jesus established a “CONGREGATION" of “PEOPLE" that followed his instructions (disciplines) and became his “disciples.”

John 8:31–32 says that Jesus had thousands of people that congregated at his sermons outside in different places…near the sea-shore and up on the mounts. It is from the mission of those followers and Apostles that the Church will originate. The Church, therefore, is born from the Apostles. Nevertheless, the Lord Jesus, we read in Mt 16:13-20, after Peter's profession of faith, entrusted him the keys of the Kingdom: "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven: whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven; whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." From that commissioning of Peter springs the Petrine doctrine and leadership. Peter was made the head of the Apostolic cohort.

We are celebrating today, the solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul. These two Apostles of the Lord are known to be the "Principal Pillars of the Church" founded by Christ. Though we said ahead that Jesus did not found a Church, the congregation he gathered around him became a Church, so everything finds its origin in him and in his actions. St. Peter was chosen by the Lord to be his first Vicar on earth; thus, the Lord endowed him with the power of the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and gave him the role of the Shepherd of his flock. St. Paul, the Apostle of the Risen Lord, was chosen to form part of the Apostolic College after his dramatic conversion on the road to Damascus. He was elected to bring Christ's name to the Nations. Thus, he stands as the great missionary and the Apostle of the Gentiles.

Through these two Apostles, and also, with the others, we have the origin of the true Church, the Right Religion. The right religion is all about apostolic succession, and a doctrinal faith kept from generation to generation.

Genuine faith does not originate from a sudden inspiration or a vision. True religion is not born from an overnight apparition. Today, unfortunately, churches and many Christian or Evangelical constellations spring like mushrooms. And regrettably, with all the exaggeration and excess. Some of the so-called Christians of the Evangelical denomination have no other doctrinal teaching but to attack the Catholic Church and its practices and devotions or teachings. We see the pastors of those mushroom churches impose practices on their followers... Many are Christian religions only by name, but nothing to do with Jesus Christ of Nazareth and his teachings and his way.

Celebrating Sts. Peter and Paul, we are urged to reflect on religion in general and religious beliefs in particular. Is your church, your pastor, and your faith leading you to Jesus or away from him? Does what you believe make you a missionary, ready, like Peter and Paul to give up their lives for others? We read in the first reading that Peter, because of his faith in Christ faced prison and persecution from King Herod. We hear also from Paul about all that he is enduring and his soon-coming passion for Christ. But both were bold and firm in their faith in the Lord. How does your religion open you to such faith?

Like the Apostle Peter, speaking on behalf of his companions, let us profess our firm and unshaken faith in Jesus as “the Christ and Son of the living God” and make him known to others. It is only in that way, we will be said members and believers of the right religion. May the intercession of the two pillars of our faith help us in the discernment of God's will and in keeping firmly with our faith in Jesus Christ, our Savior, and Lord.


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