September 15, 2023.
Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows.

Readings: Heb 5:7-9; Ps 31:2 and 3b, 3cd-4, 5-6, 15-16, 20;Jn 19:25-27 or Lk 2:33-35.

“… And you yourself a sword will pierce so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." Lk 2:35

A Tswana proverb says: “To kiss the child is to kiss the mother.” A Kikuyu proverb adds: “The woman who gives birth to a child is like the banana tree that breaks under the weight of its fruit.”

There is one verse from the Gospel of John that touches me in a very particular way while contemplating the Cross of Jesus. "Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother..." Jn 19:25

From that short sentence springs one of the greatest hymns ever composed about Mary, the Stabat Mater Dolorosa.

Mary was of all the journeys of her Son. And she was among the rare witnesses of his last earthly journey, the Via Dolorosa that ended on the Cross.

We celebrated yesterday the Exaltation of the Cross. The Church gives us to look and contemplate the Mother as she shares in the pains of her beloved Son. Mary standing at the feet of the Cross.

The Stabat Mater Dolorosa sings:

"1. At the cross her station keeping,

stood the mournful mother weeping,

close to Jesus to the last


2. Through her heart, his sorrow sharing,

all his bitter anguish bearing,

now at length the sword had passed.


3. Oh how sad and sore distressed

was that mother highly blessed,

of the sole-begotten One!


4. Christ above in torment hangs;

she beneath beholds the pangs

of her dying glorious Son.


5. Is there one who would not weep,

whelmed in miseries so deep

Christ's dear Mother to behold?


6. Can the human heart refrain

from partaking in her pain,

in that Mother's pain untold?..."

The hymn goes on, so too must our admiration and love for Mary. For, at the foot of the Cross of her Son, the Blessed Virgin stands as the Lady of the Cross, our Lady of Sorrows. Not only does she share in the sorrows of Jesus but she also invites us to mingle our sorrows with his and follow him carrying our daily crosses. She was with Jesus. She is also with us.

Celebrating this Marian memorial, the readings point to her sufferings, on how she participated in Jesus' suffering. And like her, we too are urged to become sharers in the Passion and Death of our Lord if we want to rightly share in his Resurrection. In the first reading, we hear that Jesus’ sufferings were a school of obedience. Through the Cross, he perfected his obedience to the Father. The author of the Letter to the Hebrews says: “Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered; and when he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him.” If Jesus, the Son of the Father passed through the hard suffering of the Cross to show us how much it costs to obey, we too, should accept obediently our today’s crosses and sufferings.

In his sufferings, however, Jesus was not left alone. Even though most of his disciples fled away from him, except John, there was also someone more particular and closer to him than all, his Mother. She has been of all the journeys of the Lord. She was a disciple among the great crowd of disciples. Present among the many women who serve the needs of the Lord and his Twelve Apostles. Not only did she prove her discipleship at Cana (Jn 2:1-12) and taught the people how to listen and do what Jesus will tell them, but she also went till the end, so that must be fulfilled the prophecy of the old man Simeon: "Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted and you yourself a sword will pierce so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed." (Lk 2:34-35)

Mary stands by Jesus with an obedient heart to God’s will. Her sufferings with her Son at the Calvary are the consequences of her “Fiat voluntas Tua!” at the Annunciation. And while she was overwhelmed with the weight of her Son’s Cross and his soon-coming death, Mary was also not left alone and childless. Jesus entrusted us to her and her to us through the beloved disciple: “he said to his mother, "Woman, behold, your son." Then he said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother."” Like John, we are invited to take Mary in our houses, in our lives, and love her as our own mother. Just as she cared for Jesus, so too does she care for us. With Mary at our side, let us learn to sublimate our sorrows and make them a participation in Christ's sorrows. Many Christs are suffering in our societies today. Let us carry their cross with them and through Mary, carry them to Jesus. Ad Jesum per Mariam.


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