May 14, 2023.
Sixth Sunday of Easter – A.

“I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth…” John 14:16

A Danish proverb says: “Woe be to him whose advocate becomes his accuser.” And an Albanian proverb adds: “A proof of faith is obedience.”

During these days preparing us for the Ascension of the Lord and the feast of the Pentecost, the Liturgy put a special accent on the Holy Spirit. Each word of God we will hear, says something about him and helps us to discover him and to know him better.

Who is the Holy Spirit? Someone said that the Holy Spirit is the less known and the less prayed person of the Divine Godhead, however, the most active and most present of the three. From the Creation to the Redemption, the Holy Spirit is at work, never absent, but always silent. The Father's voice has often been heard. He spoke, and things came into being. The voice of the Son is most known. He proclaimed the word and healed people through his words. But the Holy Spirit is voiceless. He says nothing. Who then is he?

While we are in the times of the Lord's farewells to his disciples, we hear many great instructions and promises. Among these promises, is the Holy Spirit, the Advocate of obedience, truth, and freedom.

The Catechism says, "Because the Holy Spirit is the anointing of Christ, it is Christ who, as the head of the Body, pours out the Spirit among his members to nourish, heal, and organize them in their mutual functions, to give them life, send them to bear witness and associate them to his self-offering to the Father and to his intercession for the whole world. Through the Church's sacraments, Christ communicates his Holy and sanctifying Spirit to the members of his Body.” CCC 739

Three topics, obedience, truth, and freedom, constitute the main theme of today's Eucharistic celebration, and the link between these three topics is found in the promise of the Holy Spirit. He is the one who will open us to total obedience to God's will, and by obeying, we will know and live in the truth, and consequently, the truth will set us free.

The Lord Jesus, before departing from the sight of his disciples, promised to send them the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete. As we are preparing for the coming of this Paraclete, the readings, mostly the Gospel tells us how we should make our preparation. The first step of that preparation is to prove our love for the Lord through obedience, that is, by keeping his commandments. The Holy Spirit is a gift from God through the Son. We cannot receive that gift without firm and loving obedience. And that obedience becomes an act of faith.

The second step for our preparation is to realize and believe that we are not left alone, we are not orphans. The Christian life or Christianity is not a religion of orphans. Faith in Jesus Christ does not imprison the believers in an orphanage of incertitude and insecurity. Not only has the Lord promised to be always with us, but moreover, he has promised to send an Advocate, one whose mission is to be always by our side, never away, never opposing us, but advising and leading us. The mission of the Holy Spirit, the Lord says, is to lead us in the truth. For, he is the Spirit of truth. The Spirit of truth: this term is also used at Qumran, where it is a moral force put into a person by God, as opposed to the spirit of perversity.

In a world overflowing with perversion, fake news, and falsehood, the coming of the Holy Spirit is decisive. He will set us free from all the chains of sin, falsehood, fake news, hypocrisy, idolatry of the self and material, and all kinds of worldliness that enslaves us. In the end, he will lead us to perfect love of the Son and the Father, for he himself is the perfection of love. Through the Holy Spirit, we will get to know who really is the Son and who is the Father. The Lord says, "On that day you will understand that I am in my Father..." and that will also reveal our own identity as adoptive children of God. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, we discover our divine filiation.

For that revelation to be effective, and for perfect preparation for the coming of the Holy Spirit, we have some practical things to do. That is what Paul invites us to, in the second reading. In one sentence, it is about putting to death all worldliness and standing firm in our faith, hope, and love. Dead with Christ, the Apostle says, we are raised with him to a new life in the Spirit. We must, therefore, live keeping our conscience clear, free from defamation, live in good conduct, and avoid all kinds of evil...

As Christians, we have already received the Holy Spirit at our Baptism. We should then live, bearing witness to his presence in us. Our actions, words, and thoughts should be those of spiritual people, for the Spirit lives and dwells in us. We witness the continual and perpetual presence of the Spirit of God in us through our actions and words. Therefore, all that we do should be marked with goodness, love, justice, truth. We cannot pretend have the Holy Spirit in us in live in falsehood. We cannot claim to be under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and promote death, injustice, or be instruments of corruption, gossip, fake news. The Holy Spirit is advocate of obedience, truth, justice, freedom, and love. Our lives should depict these values if he really dwells in us and is the one leading our lives. The Christians who are very given in gossiping, corruption, and any other form of injustice are possessed by an evil spirit, not the Holy Spirit. It is therefore time for them to think about being exorcised.


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