January 1, 2023.
The Octave Day of Christmas.
Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.

Readings: Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk2:16-21.

“Hail, Holy Mother, who gave birth to the King who rules heaven and earth forever.”

An Italian proverb says: “He who has his own mother never cries.” And an Eritrean proverb adds: “A home without a mother is a desert.”

Virgin, and yet, a Mother. That is what Mary is. Though she was Virgin, God made her the Mother of His Only Begotten Son, so, the Mother of God. We are speaking of a mystery that made God one of us and our brother in humanity, the mystery of the Incarnation. We are also speaking of the special grace God made to the humble young lady of Nazareth to become the main piece of His project of salvation.

Today, January 1st, we are celebrating a great mystery, Mary as the Mother of God or the THEOTOKOS. THEOTOKOS derives from the Greek terms: Theos / 'God'; and tiktein / 'to give birth'. Mary is the THEOTOKOS, that is, the one who gave birth to God. This single word sums up the meaning of Luke's phrase: 'Mother of the Lord' (Lk 1:43) and represents a counterpoint to John's teaching that the “Word was made flesh” (Jn 1:14). In Mary, the Divine Word found a dwelling and became human.

Everything started with a discussion not so much to legitimate Mary, but to save the true identity of the Lord Jesus against heresies and falsehood, thus, the Council of Ephesus. The Council of Ephesus in 431 A.D., insisted "If anyone does not confess that God is truly Emmanuel and that on this account the holy virgin is the "THEOTOKOS" (for according to the flesh she gave birth to the word of God become flesh by birth) let him be anathema." What we are celebrating today is a dogmatic declaration and an act of faith in Jesus, the Son of God who to become the Son of Man, chose to make Mary His Mother.

About the THEOTOKOS, St. Luigi Orione said that Mater Dei, we have chosen the most complete of Marian titles. And he goes adding: “Our mothers pass on and die: Mary, the Mother of our mothers, is the great Mother who does not die… This is our faith in Mary, our honor, and our sweetest love for Our Blessed Lady, for the Mater Dei. And we go to Jesus through Mary. The shepherds were looking for Jesus and found Him in the arms of Mary. The Wise Men came from a far-off land to look for the Messiah, and they adored Him in the arms of Mary. And we, my sons, poor sinners that we are, where will we still always find Jesus? We will find Him and adore Him in the arms and the heart of Mary!”

The Lord has given us Mary as our Mother.  We owe her our love as sons.  Let us hear how warmly our Founder urges this: “Let us honor and love Mary!  Let us love her as sons, in a most gentle manner, and let us love her with great love. Tomorrow we will be united with the Angels and with Her in heaven, in unimaginable joy; and in Mary Most Holy and with Mary, we will honor and love God forever!”

Because she was privileged and chosen to be the Mother of God, Mary has become a channel of God's blessing to our humanity. Rightly, the Church invites us to open this new year with her solemnity. She is the Mother of the Prince of Peace. And peace is the wish we all formulate today as we celebrate the World Day of Peace, and so, Mary stands by our side as the Queen of Peace.

In the first reading, we are given to reflect on the theme of blessings. The Lord God instructed Moses on how the Priests, Aaron, and his children, should bless the people. May we make ours these blessings, at the start of this new year and formulate them as a prayer to God on the behalf of each other. “May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord let his face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace.”

In this prayer, Mary the Mother of God, and our Mother stands by our side. For, she is a great model for all mothers. In her arms, like the Child Jesus, we all find protection and care, love and kindness. The Gospel describes the motherly care of Mary. We read that when the shepherds came to the crib of Bethlehem, they "found Mary and Joseph, and the infant lying in the manger."

We can imagine the attention with which these two parents, but most particularly Mary, were looking at their son. And Luke will mention one of the greatest motherly attitudes of Mary: "she treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart." All that was said about her Son when straight into the intimacy and secrecy of Mary’s heart. Our mothers have a heart for their children and in their hearts, they keep all the best memories.

May Mary take from her heart all the great things about Jesus to tell us and lead us to live this year with him. From Her is born unto us the Son of God for us to become children of God too. The whole of this year, our journey should be, “Ad Jesum per Mariam”, that is, to go to Jesus through Mary. For, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God brings us to realize who God is in our lives, makes us conscious of his presence in our lives, and invites us to not live without him in us and by our side. Because in her and through her, God became our Immanuel, God among us, she wants us to always find a reason and a way to remain with God. Because the Eternal Word of God became flesh through her Fiat, through her motherly protection, may we remain with God. May we be invested the whole of this year with the grace of that divine sonship under her motherly care and love.


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