January 3, 2021
The Epiphany of the Lord

Readings: Is 60:1-6Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13Eph 3:2-3a, 5-6Mt 2:1-12.

A Congolese proverb says, “It is only with time that the nut ends revealing the tree it contains.” And a Bajan proverb adds, “What a sober heart conceals, a drunken tongue reveals.”

"Behold, the Lord, the Mighty One, has come; and kingship is in his grasp, and power and dominion." (Cf. Mal 3: 1; 1 Chr 29: 12)

Today is another step in the mystery of the Emmanuel, the mystery of the Incarnation of the Lord. God today is manifested to the whole humanity represented by three Magi. These three wise men stand as the West, the South, and North coming to the East to pay homage to a new-born king. Under the characters of those the tradition named Balthasar, Melchior, and Gaspar; it is the whole creation that recognizes her Savior in the Son of God.

The word Epiphany is from the Greek “ἐπιφάνεια”, epipháneia, meaning manifestation or appearance. It is derived from the verb “φαίνειν”, phainein, meaning "to appear". It tells us that what was long hidden is now publicly exposed to all. We are set in front of a manifestation of the divinity, a Theophany. From today, God is no longer the property of a special or chosen people, but the God of all and God for all. This revelation is aimed to provoke in us, the praise of his glory.

The prophet Isaiah, in the first reading, tells the city of Jerusalem that the glory of God will shine above her. God will reveal himself in her as a citadel and a lighthouse. A lighthouse, though implanted on a particular ground, is never a private property of that ground. It belongs to all who see its light and are guided by it. Consequently, the Psalmist can sing, “Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.” Even though the Lord, in the Baby Jesus was first revealed to Israel, he does not belong exclusively to those people. He is God and King for every nation.

The Gospel proves it true, with the Magi, the Pagans kings, coming to pay their homage to the King of the Jewish. Like the Magi, we too should be eager go at the encounter of the Lord and to sing his praise, he who is revealed to our humanity in his Son born of Mary. The Christian life is like that journey the Magi went through, a query at the discovery of Christ and pay him our homage.

Assuredly, there will always be some people like Herod who will not be happy with the news of God’s revelation because his coming will mean the end of their supremacy. Though they may try all they can to prevent us, let us not miss the opportunity to meet the Lord. His light, like a star, shines in our paths, let us follow him and delight in his peace, love, and compassion. Because God today reveals his compassionate face to all.


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