St. Mary Magdalene, the Apostle to the Apostles.

July 22 2019: Feast of Saint Mary Magdalene

A Yiddish proverb says, “Women can keep only one secret -- their own.” That is why, the secret of the Lord’s resurrection was first entrusted to a woman.

We are celebrating today one of the few women who played a very special part in the life and the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ; Mary Magdalene, the woman of all the social and theological controversies.
I was scanning a book few days ago, written by one Filipino Bishop, Most Rev. Teodoro Bacani, emeritus of Novaliches Diocese, titled, “Jesus goes public”. Among the titles or articles, one is about, “the Women in the life of Jesus”. Bishop Bacani rightly states that the first woman in the life of our Lord was the Blessed Virgin Mary, his Mother. But after Mary, undeniably, one of the women who occupied a very special place in the Lord’s life was Mary Magdalene.
Looking to the biblical context, but also in the historical one, the society in which Jesus lived and taught was patriarchal and hierarchical, like many of our cultures and traditions today, that is, the husband was the head of the household, and women, children and slaves were subordinate to him. The roles and tasks were clearly divided between men and women. We read for example in the Gospel account on the multiplication of bread, that “the number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children” (Matthew 14:13-21). As to say, the women counted for nothing.
But in this so highly patriarchal society, we read that many women played a very significant role in the mission of the Lord. Some as subject who then will become actors, others as first class actors. The women followers of Jesus are especially prominent in the Gospel, mostly on the accounts of his death and resurrection. They see Jesus die; they see where he was buried and they find his tomb empty on Easter Sunday.
One of those very special women was Mary Magdalene. To say it true, as wrote a certain Damian Thompson an English journalist in his article about Mary Magdalene, “No one in the Bible has been as elaborately misrepresented as Mary Magdalene.” But the Bible accounts are very clear about her. So wrote Damian “What do the Gospels tell us about Mary of Magdala? That she was known as ‘Magdalene’, had seven demons cast out of her by Jesus, was present at the foot of the cross, discovered the empty tomb and was the first person to whom the risen Lord appeared.”
Mary Magdalene is not and has never been the ‘evil woman’ as represented in some movies and writings. She is one of the greatest disciples of the Lord, and not only so, she is, as Pope Francis recently admitted, “the first witness to Jesus’s resurrection”, the Apostle towards the Apostles. She is the one Jesus sent to tell the other apostles the good news of his resurrection. The Gospel of John therefore portrays Mary Magdalene as the first apostle (John 20:17).
After the example of Mary Magdalene, many other women played a unique role in the Life of our Lord. and even today, in our Churches, women are very special protagonist of evangelization. Not only that more than 75%, to not exaggerate, of mass attendants today are women and children, but also women are the most committed people in the life of the Church. Though the Church as hierarchy is still extremely patriarchal in its organization, women are those who sustain it, from financially to human and statistically point. Women are the most active Christians; this is a truth. They are also the most devoted.
In a society like that of Jesus where, women were not called to testify, and where their word didn’t lend credibility to any historically recorded event, Mary Magdalene stood as the first witness of the greatest mystery of our faith. Like her, may women, in our today societies give rise to a Church where Jesus will be seen as the first and the only one we should really own.


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