May 26, 2024. The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – B. Readings: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40; Ps 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22;Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20. Glory be to God the Father. Glory be to God the Son. Glory be to God the Holy Spirit. Three persons in an undivided, unconfused, and co-equal divinity. We profess faith in One God in Three Persons. Because we are, since our Baptism, immersed in this mystery. All our prayers are centered on this reality of the Trinity. And to say it right, we are a Trinitarian being, a Trinitarian People. There is nothing we can do without the Holy Trinity. For, the Holy Spirit gives us the strength of sons and daughters to cry out to the Father as the Son does, "Abba". An Akan proverb says: “In a community, it's better for every person to have a little of something than one person to have everything.” An Argentinian proverb adds: “Two in harmony are in god’s company.” We are celebrating today an unprecedented revelation. God manifests to us ...