September 3, 2023. Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time – A. Readings: Jer 20:7-9; Ps 63:2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9; Rom 12:1-2; Mt16:21-27. A French proverb says: “Example is the greatest of all seducers.” And a Spanish proverb adds: “The snake that seduced Eve spoke Spanish.” Seduction is itself an art. It displays to someone the beautiful side of something. But when you take time to look deep inside, it does not hide what it requires to fully possess or live that thing, that is the sacrifices that go with it. We hear and speak most of seduction in relationship with love. And in that sense, women are the experts. I read somewhere that seduction is a game of psychology, not beauty. Seducers see themselves as providers of pleasure. When one seduces you, they seem to offer you the most happy and greatest moments of life. But once you fall into it, you discover what true happiness is about. It does not take away crosses and hardships but transforms them into means of personal fulfillment....