February 5, 2023. Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – A. Readings: Is 58:7-10; Ps 112:4-5, 6-7, 8-9; 1 Cor 2:1-5; Mt5:13-16. A Native American Pueblo proverb says: “A good man does not take what belongs to someone else.” And a Chinese proverb adds: “One more good man on earth is better than an extra angel in heaven.” “Do good always. Do good to all. Never harm anyone...” (Don Orione) I watched an American-Mexican series on Netflix (Señora Acero) and one of the actors was named 'El Bueno' (the Good Man). One thing that caught my attention about him was his definition of being good and what he was able to do for goodness' sake. He even died in a war that was not his just by being good and defending the poor and the oppressed Sara Aguilar and her son Salvador Acero. He was ready to do good to all. To do good always. And without counting the price. The life of 'El Bueno' matches with the words of Don Orione we quoted ahead: do good always and to all. We learn through th...