October 10, 2021 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time – B. READINGS: Wis 7:7-11; Ps 90:12-13, 14-15, 16-17; Heb 4:12-13;Mk 10:17-30. An Ivorian proverb says: “He who has the choice has the pain.” And a Bantu proverb adds: “When a lion cannot find the flesh to feed on, it has no choice but to eat the grass.” Life is a choice. Here is a beautiful reality we should all agree with. To live is to make the decision to let go of something for another. Unless one is able to choose, his whole existence is a succession of unhappiness and unfulfillment. He always feels that something is lacking. That he has something more to do to reach his goal. In this process of choice, a man goes from mistakes to mistakes. He thinks he can supply what he is missing with material possessions and riches. But in truth, we all thirst for something greater than material. We thirst for God, and God alone. The way to gain what one needs the more is to let go of the ephemeral and passing possessions and real...