November 1, 2020 Solemnity of All Saints READINGS: RV 7:2-4, 9-14 ; PS 24:1BC-2, 3-4AB, 5-6 ; 1 JN 3:1-3 ; MT 5:1-12A . A Japanese proverb says, “The cat is a saint when there are no mice about.” And a Bengali proverb adds, “Any new saint-to-be has his miracles to make.” All saints or all to be saints? The Christian life is a vocation to holiness. We all are on a journey toward sainthood. Being on a journey consequently means that we are not yet at our destination, we are not yet saints, but saints to be. According to our Catholic faith and the teachings of the Church, a saint is anyone in heaven, whether officially recognized (canonized) on earth or not, who form the “great cloud of witnesses” who have ridden themselves of every burden and sin that clings to them and persevere in running the race that was laid before them (Heb 12:1). The allusion here could be made of our different ancestors, parents and beloveds and people whose life had been a mod...