October 4, 2020 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - A Readings: IS 5:1-7 ; PS 80:9, 12, 13-14, 15-16, 19-20 ; PHIL 4:6-9 ; MT 21:33-43 . A Senegalese proverb says, “What you give to others bears fruit for yourself.” And a Samoan proverb adds, “You shake in vain the branch that bears no fruit. You would better cut it off at the base.” The Lord God created us out of love. He created us as a marvelous and beautiful masterpiece of his creation. What he expects from us it that we bear fruits of justice, love, and righteousness. We are his personal possession. We are God’s vineyard and at the same time, he made of us tenants of the wider vineyard that is the whole creation. We are stewards of God’s love. Any failure on our side to give feedback on the love we receive from the Lord is an insult to his kindness and a crime against his love. And that failure won’t be forgiven to us. It is obvious, from listening to today’s readings, mostly, the first rea...