June 19 2020: Solemnity of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - A. READINGS: DT 7:6-11; PS 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8, 10; 1 JN4:7-16; MT 11:25-30. A German proverb says, “What comes from the heart, goes to the heart.” And a Nilotic proverb adds, “If you have a lot, give some of your possessions; if you have little; give some of your heart.” We are in a century where people use sign language more than we could imagine. We would think to be at the ages before the discovery of the writings, the period of the hieroglyph. Beside the official language of the people with physical impediments, the mutes and the deaf, the social media is the greatest horizon today of sign language. On social media, all is said in pictograph, symbol, and ideogram. In this sense, when one means that he is happy, there are the emoji of a smiling face. The one who is grieving or sad shows a face full of tears. When you love something, you give a heart. The heart is the symbol and source of love. Where love is, there too is t...