February 2, 2020: Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. READINGS: Mal 3:1-4 ; PS 24:7, 8, 9, 10 ; Heb 2:14-18 ; Lk 2:22-40 A German proverb says: “If the eye does not want to see, neither light nor glasses will help.” We are forty days after Christmas, and we are invited to celebrate the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple in a festive way. God became man so that men in search of God could meet him. The place par excellence of this encounter is the Temple, the holy abode of God among men. The feast of the presentation of Jesus in the Temple is the true culmination of the mystery of Christmas. One could, without fear of being wrong, say that today is Christmas dregs. Because in Simeon and Anna meeting the newborn that Joseph and Mary, by obedience to the Law present in the Temple, it is all the thirst for God of human being that is satisfied. To see God is everyone's deepest aspiration. All of man’s life is geared towards this end. Humanity tod...