January 1, 2021 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Readings: NM 6:22-27 ; Ps 67:2-3, 5, 6, 8 ; GAL 4:4-7 ; LK 2:16-21 . A Nigerian proverb says, “A child who has no mother will not have scars to show on his back.” And a Kikuyu proverb adds, “It is not the mother's will to have a bad offspring.” "Hail, Holy Mother, who gave birth to the King, who rules heaven and earth forever." In monarchic traditions, the mother of a king holds a special place in the kingdom and is venerated with special respect. God the Most High, coming to share our humanity, chose to be born of a woman. From that moment, this humble woman holds a particular position in God's plan of salvation and consequently, in our relationship with God. Jesus, the Son of God is as well the son of Mary, the humble woman of Nazareth. God was incarnated in her wombs and she gave birth to him, the author of all life. It sounds quite funny that some people have a particular talent for loving Jesus and ac...